Home » Social Media » Update Your Facebook Status Even After You Die With “If I Die”

Update Your Facebook Status Even After You Die With “If I Die”

Yes Facebook is not only for live people, but also for ones who have passed away. It’s obvious that Facebook addiction will not leave you even after you die.An App called “If I Die” has made this possible. It allows you to let your Facebook friends know that you are dead and going to heaven.

If I Die is an app developed by Willook, an Israel-based company that allows Facebook users to post message, videos from their account even after they are dead. It is a FREE app.

How To Set It Up?

Similar to other apps just install it in your facebook account. It allows you to record a secret message in a text or a video format, about which no body will get to know until you are dead. The amazing fact is that even the developers of the app will not be aware of your recording.

Then comes the next step of choosing your three trustees (friends from your friend list). They will later confirm that you are no more. Once the all three confirm your death, the recorded message of yours will be post.+d on your wall.

It also has a feature that your message can be release in one go, or in a predetermined schedule.This makes it possible to spread your last words in bits and pieces.

Author: Jenny Simpson writes for www.marinadelreytoyota.com. She is a freelance blogger and likes to write about topics like social media, latest technology trends and other general stuff.

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